Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24 - Montreal, QC

Odometer - 22230.2

After a fantastic visit with my brother/uncle, we left Ottawa at noon, with wonderful directions out of town. We took 17 east instead of 417 as it followed the river. Stopping at the Quebec border, we had a delicious feast packed by my sister-in-law/aunt Penny. We pre-booked a hotel in Montreal, so after arriving at 3:30 we ditched everything and took the Metro to downtown Montreal. Weather is warm but windy.

After a visit to the tourist bureau, we walked to the Cathedral Marie-Renee du Monde, and then hoofed it through town to the Basilique Notre-Dame de Montreal for a light show. This included the history of the Basilique, music from the organ, and laser lights highlighting the features of the cathedral. The show lasted just over half-an-hour, after which we toured and photographed alters and windows. At 8PM we headed for the Metro and returned to the hotel. We are going downtown again in the morning.

I (Mom) keep looking for English, but can never find it. Andrea continues to get me here there and everywhere.


  1. Ciao! Mon dieu! C'est une belle église! Mon francais est fatigue. I can't believe you are already to Montreal!

    The girls have settled into school. Elsa was rough on the first day but a week later she is an old pro.

    Ainsley says that Elsa is the tallest kid in Kindergarten by a bit. She is even sitting with a friend on the bus - Ainsley is mad at her for ditching her but it is good to see her break free and become her own person. She is back in gymnastics and her world is expanding with new friends.

    ISU is back in session and things are busy. I need to get myself in a routine but should be easier now that everyone else is in a routine.

    Keep chugging along and thanks for the blog! ooo's Lora Leigh

  2. Hope you enjoy your stay in Montreal. How do you like their Metro?
