Thursday, July 25, 2013

Florence, June 23

Slept in, which was unplanned, but the breakfast here goes til 10:30, so still had time ( though I wasn't that late!). Decided that the day would be spent seeing the outside and wandering the streets as still didn't feel I had my hours turned around.

Noting that I'm now seeing all the crowds that I missed in Switzerland - all seemed to be in the Piazza at once, in school groups, tour groups, and cruise ship groups (the photo is of the street, not the piazza). It was a good thing that there is a pedestrian zone, as I don't think that the cars would be able to get through.

Headed from the square in from of the Duomo, past the Plazzo Vecchio, by the Uffezi, over the Pont Vecchio and down to the Pitti Palace, and scoped out where and how to visit the different places.

Wandering around, located a grocery next to the bridge, so bought a 1.5L bottle of water, salami, apples, roll, yogurt and cheese. Good thing I got a 1.5L - I drained it before the end of the day.

Headed back to the hotel about 5, and slept the rest of the night. The hotel is about 10 min from the main center, which is nice to be able to take a break as it was hot! Another 40oC day.


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