Tuesday, June 20, 2017


We said goodbye to Paris today, packing our bags in the morning with one last trip out on the town.

We decided to visit the Luxembourg Gardens, and ended up also going to the Musee d'Luxembourg, as the were a close walk away and we knew we would have shade. Paris is going through a heatwave, and the temp was expected to reach 34C.  The museum was not only on an impressionist master, Camille Pissarro, it was also air conditioned. I hadn't realized that he had done things besides the oil painting- many drawings, a few watercolors, and his eldest son ran a printing company that he did many drawings for.

After, we headed back to hotel and picked up our bags to hard to the train station, for our 15:55 train to Munich. We repeated the route we took to get there when we left for Arras. Stopped at a local shop to pick up sandwiches and drinks for the train, the went to look at the screens... the only 15:55 train showing up was for Brussels. Hum...took a second look at the itinerary- Paris Est station, not Paris Nord. We had not used the last metro ticket we had since Google said it was faster to walk back than take the metro, which was a good thing since we now had one to use to go back down one stop on the metro. This is why you give plenty of time - we arrived at Paris Est with 10 min to spare.

Then only 5:45 later, we arrived in Munich. A short 6 min walk to the hotel, with a minor scare as the front desk was saying I had only booked for one person- but then the clerk realized she had picked up the wrong reservation. All tucked in for the night, and will go explore Munich tomorrow.

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