Today, we set out with the intent to go to the north end of the island to see what we could see, then finish down to the southern end where there is an archaeological site. As we headed out, what did we see but road work! Graded out the bulk of the pot holes in the dirt road for the last mile or so heading to the condo. Followed most of the usual route, until downtown when we went to "Back Street" and kept going north.
There we hit the toll bridge - $5 BZ for each crossing. Not everyone was quite understanding of this, as we heard it being explained going both directions. On the north side, the road is concrete, and flat. We tooled along as fast as the cart would go for quite a while. The North side has much larger (5-6 story, ~60-80 unit) places, unlike our little complex, as is further from the downtown, not to mention the toll charge. The vegetation also changed - more mangrove swamp on the bay side, and fewer trees.
The top end, where we turned around - my guess was about mile 7 north.
On the way back, there was a road west - we headed that way. A beach was at the far end, but due to road wash out we stopped about 1/2 km short. There was an observation platform on the side of the road, so Harley climbed up to take a view. Not too much to see, except the bay in the distance.
We stopped in the downtown core to have lunch, then people watched for a while. Headed south after, following our usual route. We stopped for OJ from the "the Baker" and milk from the store - but they were out - our little corner store to the rescue! They had it. We stopped at the condo, for a pit stop and to put the liquids in the fridge. We then headed south.
The far end was much the same as around here - but there were a large number of lots for sale.
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